Gluten Free Diet Plan

Access a free Gluten-free Diet Plan for your clients. Learn how to use the template to support individuals in achieving their health goals while following a gluten-free lifestyle.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Gluten-free Diet Plan?

A Gluten-free Diet is a specific nutrition plan designed for individuals needing to avoid gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and their derivatives. This type of diet focuses on providing adequate nutrition while eliminating foods containing gluten to support overall health and well-being.

People with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity often follow a Gluten-free Diet to manage their condition and prevent adverse reactions. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten consumption, while wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity involve allergic reactions or digestive discomfort when gluten is ingested.

Following a Gluten-free Diet can help individuals avoid the symptoms and complications associated with gluten consumption and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It can also promote overall well-being and digestive health. Moreover, a Gluten-free Diet Plan can help them achieve their health goals and support their journey towards a Gluten-free lifestyle.

How does it work?

Our free Gluten-free Diet Plan template can help you create a tailored plan for individuals following a Gluten-free diet. Follow these steps to get started:

Step 1: Download the template

Obtain a copy of the printable Gluten-free Diet Plan using the link on this page or the Carepatron app. It's also accessible from our practice management software's resources library.

Step 2: Assess your client's needs and restrictions

Before creating a Gluten-free Diet Plan, ensure you understand the individual's dietary restrictions, whether it's due to celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. This will help you tailor the diet to their needs.

Step 3: Plan meals and ingredient substitutions

Using the template, devise meal plans that exclude gluten-containing foods and incorporate Gluten-free alternatives. Pay close attention to ingredient substitutions and portion sizes to ensure the individual receives balanced and nutritious meals.

Step 4: Monitor progress

Keep track of the individual's progress while following the Gluten-free diet. Assess any changes in their health and well-being, as well as any challenges they may encounter. This will help you make adjustments to the Gluten-free Diet Plan as needed.

Step 5: Provide resources for support

Support is essential for maintaining a gluten-free lifestyle. Share resources with your clients, such as Gluten-free recipes, tips for dining out, and support groups they can join to connect with others facing similar dietary challenges.

Step 6: Adjust as needed

Every individual is unique and may require adjustments to their Gluten-free Diet Plan. Regularly reassess their progress and make changes to the plan accordingly to ensure they continue to meet their health goals.

When would you use this plan?

You can utilize our free Gluten-free Diet Plan template to support individuals needing to follow a Gluten-free diet due to celiac disease, wheat allergy, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, or other gluten-related conditions. Additionally, the template can help you:

Ensure proper nutrition and gluten avoidance

Our template is a fantastic starting point for creating a Gluten-free diet plan that meets an individual's nutritional needs while avoiding gluten-containing foods. It includes sections where you can list food alternatives, substitutions, and portion sizes to ensure a balanced and safe diet.

Support individuals with dietary restrictions

Following a restrictive diet can be challenging, especially when it involves avoiding a common ingredient like gluten. Our template allows you to create a structured and easy-to-follow plan that supports individuals with their dietary restrictions. This can help alleviate stress and confusion, making it easier for them to stick to their diet.

Promote awareness and understanding of Gluten-free diets

Our template can also be an educational tool. You can use it to explain to family members, friends, or caregivers the specifics of a Gluten-free diet. By providing clear and accurate information, it helps foster understanding and respect for the dietary needs of those living with gluten-related conditions.

Save time and effort

Creating a personalized Gluten-free diet plan from scratch can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. Our template simplifies this process by providing a comprehensive framework that you can easily customize according to an individual's needs.

Research & Evidence

The Gluten-free diet has gained significant popularity in the United States, with retail sales of Gluten-free foods exceeding $15.5 billion in 2016. While emerging evidence suggests potential benefits for individuals with gastrointestinal symptoms, the support for gluten avoidance in the absence of known gluten-related diseases is currently insufficient. In fact, it may have adverse effects for some (Niland & Cash, 2018).

A study conducted in 2017 by Lebwohl et al. examined the long-term effects of dietary gluten consumption in individuals without celiac disease and its potential association with coronary heart disease risk. The research included over 100,000 participants and found no significant link between gluten consumption and heart disease risk in this particular group. Surprisingly, the study even suggested that individuals who avoid gluten without medical necessity may inadvertently increase their risk of heart disease. This increased risk is likely due to the reduced consumption of whole grains when gluten-containing foods are excluded from the diet.

Another study conducted by Bora et al. (2018) revealed the potential detrimental effects of following a Gluten-free Diet without medical necessity for patients without celiac disease. The study found that individuals who unnecessarily followed a gluten-free diet had lower intake of essential minerals and vitamins, including calcium, iron, folate, and fiber. This deficiency can lead to various health issues such as anemia, osteoporosis, and reduced gut microbiome diversity. It is, therefore, important to carefully consider the implications and consult with a healthcare professional before adopting a Gluten-free Diet if there is no medical necessity.

These studies show that while a Gluten-free Diet benefits those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, it is not a weight loss or health-promoting diet for the general population. Therefore, individuals and healthcare professionals must carefully assess the reasons for following a Gluten-free diet and ensure that it is not causing harm or deficiencies in nutrient intake.


Bora, S., & Rindfleisch, J. A. (2018). The Elimination Diet. In D. Rakel (Ed.), Integrative Medicine (Fourth Edition) (pp. 849-862.e6). Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-35868-2.00086-4.

Lebwohl B, Cao Y, Zong G, Hu FB, Green PHR, Neugut AI, Rimm EB, Sampson L, Dougherty L, Giovannucci E, Willett WC, Sun Q, Chan AT. (2017). Long term gluten consumption in adults without celiac disease and risk of coronary heart disease: prospective cohort study. BMJ, 357, j1892.

Niland, B., & Cash, B. D. (2018). Health Benefits and Adverse Effects of a Gluten-free Diet in Non-Celiac Disease Patients. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 14(2), 82-91. PMID: 29606920; PMCID: PMC5866307.

Are Gluten-free Diets necessary?
Are Gluten-free Diets necessary?

Commonly asked questions

Are Gluten-free Diets necessary?

Yes, Gluten-free Diets are necessary for individuals with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These conditions can cause adverse reactions and health problems when gluten is consumed, so a Gluten-free diet is essential to manage these conditions and maintain good health.

When are Gluten-free Diets used?

Individuals with celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity use Gluten-free Diets typically follow a Gluten-free Diet. They should follow this diet to manage their condition and avoid adverse reactions to gluten-containing foods.

How long is a Gluten-free Diet followed?

The duration of a Gluten-free Diet varies depending on the individual's specific condition and health status. Individuals with celiac disease must follow a strict Gluten-free diet for life. In contrast, those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity may follow it for as long as necessary to manage their symptoms.

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