M25.552 – Pain In Left Hip
Explore the M25.552 ICD-10 code for Pain in Left Hip, including clinical info, synonyms, related codes, and how Carepatron can support healthcare professionals.

M25.552 Diagnosis Code: Pain In Left Hip
- M25.552 is the ICD-10 code for Pain in Left Hip.
- This code describes a clinical condition characterized by discomfort or pain localized in the left hip region.
- Pain may range from mild to severe and can be acute or chronic.
- Potential causes of left hip pain include injuries, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, and hip labral tears.
- Accurate diagnosis is crucial for determining the appropriate treatment and management plan for patients.
Is M25.552 Billable?
Yes, M25.552 is a billable ICD-10 code. Healthcare professionals can use this code for insurance claims and reimbursement purposes. However, correct coding is essential for proper documentation and treatment planning.
Clinical Information
- Left hip pain may be caused by various factors such as joint inflammation, muscle strain, nerve impingement, or underlying conditions.
- Comprehensive evaluation, including a thorough medical history and physical examination, is necessary for accurate diagnosis.
- Imaging studies (e.g., X-rays, MRI, or ultrasound) can help identify the cause of hip pain.
- Treatment options may include physical therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, surgery.
- Early intervention and proper management can improve patient outcomes and prevent long-term complications.
Synonyms Include
- Left Hip Pain
- Left Hip Discomfort
- Pain in the Left Hip Joint
- Left Coxalgia
- Left-Sided Hip Pain
Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Hip Pain
- M25.551: Pain in Right Hip
- M25.559: Pain in Unspecified Hip
- M16.10: Unilateral Primary Osteoarthritis, Unspecified Hip
- M16.11: Unilateral Primary Osteoarthritis, Right Hip
- M16.12: Unilateral Primary Osteoarthritis, Left Hip
- M70.60: Trochanteric Bursitis, Unspecified Hip
- M70.61: Trochanteric Bursitis, Right Hip
- M70.62: Trochanteric Bursitis, Left Hip
ICD-10 Coding App – How Can Carepatron Help?
Carepatron is an advanced platform designed to simplify the ICD-10 coding process for healthcare professionals. With Carepatron, you can effortlessly search and find the correct ICD-10 codes for various conditions, including Pain in Left Hip (M25.552).
The platform streamlines the coding process and offers valuable insights and resources to help healthcare professionals stay updated on the latest diagnostic criteria and treatment options. This ensures that practitioners have the tools to provide their patients with the best possible care.
Don't miss out on the advantages that Carepatron can bring to your practice! Sign up today and experience this innovative platform's ease and efficiency in managing ICD-10 codes.