F34.1 – Dysthymic Disorder

F34.1 – Dysthymic Disorder

Discover the F34.1 ICD-10 code for Dysthymic Disorder, including clinical info, synonyms, related codes, and how Carepatron can assist healthcare professionals.
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M48.07 – Spinal Stenosis, Lumbosacral Region

M48.07 – Spinal Stenosis, Lumbosacral Region

Comprehensive guide to ICD-10-CM code M48.07 - Spinal Stenosis, Lumbosacral Region. Learn about its clinical implications, synonyms, related codes, and FAQs
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M54.1 – Radiculopathy

M54.1 – Radiculopathy

Explore M54.1, the ICD-10 code for Radiculopathy, its clinical information, common synonyms, related codes, and how Carepatron can optimize your coding process.
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M54.12 – Radiculopathy, Cervical Region

M54.12 – Radiculopathy, Cervical Region

Understand the M54.12 ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for Radiculopathy in the Cervical Region, including its clinical description, billability, and more.
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M47.816 -Spondylosis Without Myelopathy Or Radiculopathy, Lumbar Region

M47.816 -Spondylosis Without Myelopathy Or Radiculopathy, Lumbar Region

Discover the ICD-10-CM code M47.816 for lumbar spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, including clinical information, synonyms, related codes, & FAQs.
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M79.671 – Pain In Right Foot

M79.671 – Pain In Right Foot

Understand M79.671, a diagnosis code for pain in the right foot, including clinical information, billability, and related ICD-10 codes.
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M47.814 – Spondylosis Without Myelopathy or Radiculopathy, Thoracic Region

M47.814 – Spondylosis Without Myelopathy or Radiculopathy, Thoracic Region

Dive into ICD-10-CM code M47.814 - Spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, thoracic region. Understand diagnosis, billing, clinical info, and more.
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M47.812 – Spondylosis Without Myelopathy Or Radiculopathy, Cervical Region

M47.812 – Spondylosis Without Myelopathy Or Radiculopathy, Cervical Region

Learn about the ICD-10-CM code M47.812 for cervical spondylosis without myelopathy or radiculopathy, its clinical details, synonyms, and FAQs.
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M25.552 – Pain In Left Hip

M25.552 – Pain In Left Hip

Explore the M25.552 ICD-10 code for Pain in Left Hip, including clinical info, synonyms, related codes, and how Carepatron can support healthcare professionals.
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M62.81 – Muscle Weakness (Generalized)

M62.81 – Muscle Weakness (Generalized)

Discover the ICD-10-CM code M62.81 for generalized muscle weakness, its clinical description, billability, related codes, synonyms, and FAQs.
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M25.572  – Pain in left ankle and joints of left foot

M25.572 – Pain in left ankle and joints of left foot

Discover M25.572, the ICD-10-CM code for pain in left ankle and joints of left foot. Learn about the diagnosis, treatment, and managing this specific condition.
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M54.41  – Lumbago with sciatica, right side

M54.41 – Lumbago with sciatica, right side

Learn all about the ICD-10-CM code M54.41 for Lumbago with sciatica on the right side, including what its clinical description is, if it’s billable or not, what its synonyms are, what other ICD codes are related to it, and a few FAQs.
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XIII: Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99)

The ICD-10 category "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue" (M00-M99) encompasses a wide array of conditions affecting bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissues. ICD 10 guides within this category are invaluable for accurate coding and comprehensive documentation of these intricate musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders. These comprehensive guides provide detailed insights into the subcategories within M00-M99. For example, they cover infections of the musculoskeletal system (M00-M03), inflammatory polyarthropathies (M05-M14), and other musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (M75-M79). Accurate coding facilitated by these guides is essential for diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions effectively. It assists healthcare providers in identifying the specific disorder, its underlying causes, and potential treatment modalities. Furthermore, ICD 10 guides within this category are pivotal in advancing musculoskeletal research, enabling researchers to study disease prevalence, joint function, and the effectiveness of various treatments. Accurate coding also supports healthcare management by ensuring that individuals with musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders receive appropriate care and interventions tailored to their specific musculoskeletal needs. Precise coding in this category has broader implications for public health. It enables health agencies to monitor trends in musculoskeletal diseases, implement preventive measures like osteoporosis screenings, and allocate resources effectively to address the significant burden of musculoskeletal and connective tissue conditions. Timely and accurate coding ensures that patients receive early interventions and appropriate musculoskeletal care, ultimately improving their mobility, function, and quality of life.

Commonly asked questions

What is the ICD-10 category "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue"?

The ICD-10 category "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue" is coded as M00-M99. It encompasses a wide range of conditions affecting bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissues.

How many ICD-10 codes are included in this category?

The ICD-10 category "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue" includes numerous individual codes, covering various musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders.

What are the most commonly used codes in this category?

Commonly used codes in this category can vary depending on specific musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders. Some frequently encountered codes include M54 (Dorsalgia), M79 (Other soft tissue disorders), and M25 (Other joint disorders).