Unspecified Mood Disorder ICD-10-CM Codes
Browse through the ICD-10-CM codes for Unspecified Mood Disorders and learn about billable codes, clinical information, and more in this guide.

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for Unspecified Mood Disorder?
Unspecified mood disorder is a broad term for disorders that do not fit into other categories. The following Unspecified Mood Disorder ICD codes are frequently utilized:
- F39: Unspecified mood [affective] disorder.
- F32.9: Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified.
- F33.9: Major depressive disorder, recurrent, unspecified.
Which Unspecified Mood Disorder ICD Codes Are Billable?
Let's take a look at the billability of the ICD codes listed above:
- F39: Yes, this code is billable and represents an unspecified mood or affective disorder.
- F32.9: Yes, this code is billable, signifying a single episode of major depressive disorder that is unspecified.
- F33.9: Yes, this code is billable and denotes an unspecified recurrent major depressive disorder.
Clinical Information
Unspecified Mood Disorder is a category of mood disorders that do not neatly fit into other classifications. The broad nature of this classification means that it can be used in various situations when a more specific diagnosis is not possible. Here's a detailed breakdown:
- Variety of Symptoms: These disorders may exhibit symptoms similar to those in other mood disorders. This can include depression, anxiety, or mania. However, the symptoms might not meet the full criteria for a specific condition.
- Insufficient Information: A diagnosis of Unspecified Mood Disorder might be given if there is inadequate information to make a more specific diagnosis. This could be due to various reasons, such as the patient being uncooperative, discrepancies in symptom presentation, or lack of access to necessary diagnostic information.
- Difficulty in Diagnosing: Unspecified Mood Disorder can also be a diagnosis when there's difficulty in determining a more specific disorder. The manifestations of mood disorders can be complex and vary significantly between individuals.
- Unique Presentation of Symptoms: Sometimes, patients might present unique combinations of symptoms that do not fit the criteria for any specific mood disorder. In such cases, an unspecified mood disorder diagnosis might be appropriate.
- Temporary Diagnosis: It is also possible that "unspecified mood disorder" is used as a provisional diagnosis while further evaluation and observation are conducted. After more information is gathered, the diagnosis might be revised to a more specific mood disorder.
Remember, these patients must receive effective treatment tailored to their specific symptoms and experiences, even when a more precise diagnosis is unavailable. This ensures that they are not left without the help they need.
Commonly asked questions
Symptoms can vary widely but may include mood swings, prolonged sadness, loss of interest in activities, or changes in sleep patterns.
Treatment generally includes psychotherapy and medication, though the specific approach can depend on the individual's symptoms and needs.
The duration of Unspecified Mood Disorder can vary. For some, it might be a short-term condition, but for others, it may be a long-term or recurrent issue.