Insomnia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023
Check out the list of ICD codes used for insomnia, their billability, FAQ answers, and more to help accurately diagnose and code your patient.

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Insomnia?
Here’s a list of the commonly used ICD Codes for Insomnia:
- G47.0: Insomnia
- G47.00: Insomnia, unspecified
- G47.01: Insomnia due to medical condition
- G47.99: Other insomnia
Meanwhile, here are additional ICD codes that can also be associated with insomnia:
- F51.0: Insomnia not due to a substance or known physiological condition
- F51.01: Primary insomnia
- F51.02: Adjustment insomnia
- F51.03: Paradoxical insomnia
- F51.04: Psychophysiological insomnia
- F51.05: Insomnia due to other mental disorder
- F51.09: Other insomnia not due to a substance or known physiological condition
Which Insomnia ICD Codes are Billable:
Here’s a list of the most common ICD codes for insomnia and associated codes with insomnia and their billability:
- G47.0: No, it is not billable because it’s not specific or valid for fiscal year 2023.
- G47.00: Yes, it is billable. However, it’s only acceptable if clinical information on the patient’s condition is unavailable or unknown.
- G47.01: Yes, it is billable because it specifies that the cause of insomnia is a medical condition.
- G47.99: Yes, it is billable because it specifies the other types of insomnia.
- F51.0: No, it is not billable because it’s not specific or valid for fiscal year 2023.
- F51.01: Yes, it is billable because it refers to a specific type of insomnia.
- F51.02: Yes, it is billable because it refers to another specific type of insomnia that doesn’t last so long.
- F51.03: Yes, it is billable because it refers to a subtype of chronic insomnia.
- F51.04: Yes, it is billable because it refers to another specific type of chronic insomnia.
- F51.05: Yes, it is billable because it specifies that the source of the insomnia is a mental disorder.
- F51.09: Yes, it is billable because it specifies that the source of the insomnia isn’t a substance or physiological condition.
Clinical Information
- Insomnia is a sleep disorder wherein a patient can’t fall asleep, stay asleep, or both, resulting in the patient having little to no sleep.
- There are different types of insomnia depending on how long the patient has the condition. It can be acute, which is short-term, or chronic, which is long-term.
- Causes may vary and depend on the type of insomnia the patient has. Causes of acute insomnia are stress from the patient’s relationships, environment, or a traumatic event and substances. Meanwhile, causes of chronic insomnia are changes in work, travel, stress, or feeling upset for an extended period. In some cases, chronic insomnia can also be a side effect or symptom of another condition, disorder, or medication.
- Those who are most likely at risk are older adults who are stressed, distressed, working at night, constantly traveling across time zones, aren’t active, or have financial problems.
- To diagnose insomnia, a practitioner obtains a patient’s medical and sleep history, does a physical exam, and, if needed, does a sleep study.
- Treatment is usually one or a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. However, if insomnia is a side effect or symptom, the therapy will be to treat the condition/problem or to change the prescribed medication.
Commonly asked questions
When to use an Insomnia ICD code?
Practitioners can use an insomnia ICD code if, according to the tests and results, a diagnosis of insomnia is apt.
Are Insomnia diagnoses billable?
Most specific insomnia ICD codes and codes associated with insomnia are billable.
What are the common treatments for Insomnia Diagnosis Codes?
Common treatments are a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes.
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