TB Screening ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023
Learn more about the ICD-10 codes used for TB screening, their billability, synonyms, and FAQ answers. Feel free to use our guide to code more accurately.

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for TB Screening
Here’s a list of the Tuberculosis (TB) screening codes that are a part of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-CM). These codes are pivotal in facilitating proper documentation and billing for multiple healthcare services.
More specifically, tuberculosis screening ICD codes are used to accurately describe the screening process's nature to ensure proper reimbursement. Without further ado, here are the most accurate codes ICD codes one can use for tuberculosis or TB screening.
- Z11.1: Encountering for screening for respiratory tuberculosis
- Z11.7: Encounter for testing for latent tuberculosis infection
- Z22.7: Latent tuberculosis
- Z86.15: Personal history of latent tuberculosis infection
Note that some codes will not be accepted as a principal diagnosis or are exempt from present-on-admission (POA) reporting.
Which TB Screening ICD codes are Billable:
When an ICD-10 code is billable, insurance companies and healthcare payers are eligible for reimbursement. When it comes to TB screening, the following codes are considered billable:
- Z11.1: Encountering for screening for respiratory tuberculosis
- Z11.7: Encounter for testing for latent tuberculosis infection
- Z22.7: Latent tuberculosis
- Z86.15: Personal history of latent tuberculosis infection
Clinical Information
- TB screening is a vital component of public health and preventive medicine. Its main purpose is to identify individuals who may be at risk of tuberculosis infection. TB screening aims to detect and intervene as soon as possible to prevent the spread of TB and improve patient outcomes.
- The role of ICD-10 codes related to TB screening is to aid healthcare practitioners in documenting and categorizing TB screening encounters.
- There are two kinds of tests used to detect TB bacteria. One is a skin test, while the other is a blood test. Though a positive test can indicate if a person is infected with the bacteria, it cannot tell whether the infection has progressed to the disease or if the patient has latent TB infection.
- The screening process for TB involves a risk assessment, evaluation of symptoms, the skin or blood TB test, and additional tests such as a chest x-ray and processing of a sputum sample.
Commonly asked questions
Healthcare practitioners can use a TB screening ICD code once a principal diagnosis has been established and testing has been conducted based on the patient’s interview, medical history, or symptoms.
Yes, all TB screening ICD-10 codes mentioned in this guide are billable.
It means that the healthcare practitioner has done the test and has passed all pre-requisite conditions like a principal diagnosis, etc.