R05.9 – Cough, unspecified
Learn the R05.9 code for cough, unspecified, its clinical information, billability, synonyms, related ICD-10 codes, and more. Download our comprehensive guide!

R05.9 Diagnosis Code: Cough, unspecified
- R05.9 is a billable ICD-10-CM code used for reimbursement for the diagnosis of cough, unspecified.
- This ICD-10-CM code is used to diagnose cough, unspecified features in America. Internationally, this code may differ.
- The code is valid until the end of the fiscal year of 2023.
- This code’s umbrella category is “Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified” under “Symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems.”
- R05.9 is only used when there’s unknown or unavailable clinical information.
- It’s recommended that this code not be used as a principal diagnosis unless necessary, as it is not definitive.
Is R05.9 Billable?
Yes, it is billable. It can be used for insurance reimbursement.
Clinical Information
- Coughing is a reflex wherein the body tries to remove irritants like allergens, smoke, mucus, or airway obstructions. It can also be a symptom of an illness.
- There are different types of coughs depending on the cause, sound, occurrence, duration, accompanied symptoms, and severity.
- Some types of coughs are wet cough, dry cough, paroxysmal cough, and croup cough. A variety of conditions causes the aforementioned coughs.
- It is advisable for the patient to seek guidance from a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of their cough, whether it stems from a specific medical condition, allergies, posture, or even unidentified factors. The practitioner can subsequently conduct a respiratory assessment.
- Treatments may vary depending on the cough. In certain circumstances, home remedies can also manage, treat, or cure the cough.
- When diagnosing and deciding if R05.9 is the right code, practitioners must ensure that the cough isn’t a symptom of another condition and doesn’t match any ICD codes commonly used for cough.
Synonyms Include:
- Cough at rest
- Allergic cough
- Croupy cough
- Postural cough
- Painful cough
- Pain provoked by coughing
- Productive cough
- Unexplained cough
Commonly asked questions
When to use a diagnosis code R05.9?
You use R05.9 only when the clinical information is unavailable or unknown and the symptom doesn’t indicate any other code.
Is the R05.9 diagnosis billable?
Yes, R05.9 is a billable diagnosis code. It can be used for reimbursements.
What does diagnosis code R05.9 mean?
The diagnosis code R05.9 refers to cough, unspecified, wherein the patient has a cough, but the source and clinical information on the patient’s condition is unknown or unavailable.
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