Elevated Alk Phos ICD-10-CM Codes
Check our mini guide to the ICD-10 code used for elevated alk phos. Click here to learn more about the code’s clinical description, billability, synonyms, and more.

What ICD-10 Code is Used for Elevated Alk Phos
Only one ICD code is used for Elevated Alk Phos or elevated alkaline phosphatase, and that is R74.8:Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes.
Is the Elevated Alk Phos ICD code Billable:
Yes, the code used for elevated alkaline phosphatase, R74.8: Abnormal levels of other serum enzymes, is billable. However, it’s important to note that it can’t be used as the principal diagnosis.
Clinical Information
- Elevated alkaline phosphatase levels in one’s blood signify possible issues or concerns with one’s liver, bones, gallbladder, intestines, and pancreas. It may also indicate other concerns, such as cancerous tumors in the kidney and malnutrition.
- Symptoms of elevated alkaline phosphatase depend on the cause. If the cause is the liver, symptoms may be weight loss, fatigue, weakness, jaundice, swelling/pain in the stomach, and dark-colored urine. On the other hand, if the cause is a bone disorder, the symptoms may be bone/joint pain, frequent bone fractures, or oddly shaped bones.
- A practitioner will test the patient’s blood to check their alkaline phosphatase level. Aside from that, the practitioner will also have to consider the patient’s age, gender, blood type, and if they’re pregnant before determining if the patient’s alkaline phosphatase is elevated or within range, depending on the factors mentioned.
- Treatments are mostly to reduce one’s level of alkaline phosphatase. A patient can do this by taking medication for a disease, supplements that protect one’s liver, avoiding substances/caffeine, and living a healthier lifestyle.
Commonly asked questions
You can use an elevated alk phos ICD Code after confirming the patient’s alkaline phosphatase levels through a blood test and after identifying the cause of the elevated levels.
The lone ICD-10 code for elevated alkaline phosphatase is billable.
Treatments vary depending on the cause and are mostly targeted to reduce the patient’s alkaline phosphatase levels. Some common treatments are medication and supplements, in addition to living a healthier lifestyle and avoiding caffeine or certain substances.