Abnormal EKG ICD-10-CM Codes
Check out our mini guide to the ICD-10 code used for abnormal EKG to know more about the code’s clinical description, billability, synonyms, and more.

What ICD-10 Code is Used for Abnormal EKG
There’s only one ICD-10 code used for Abnormal EKG, and that is R94.31: Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG].
Which Abnormal EKG ICD codes are Billable:
The code used for abnormal EKG, R94.31 Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG], is billable.
Clinical Information
- An abnormal EKG reading can mean several things. It may be a normal variation of one’s heart rhythm or a medical issue one has to be concerned with, like a heart attack, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmia.
- More specifically, if a practitioner detects an abnormal result, the patient may have heart rate/rhythm abnormalities, heart rate abnormalities, heart attack, electrolyte imbalances, defects/abnormalities in the heart, high blood pressure, and any heart medication side effects.
- Patients are encouraged to get an EKG reading if they feel chest pain, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, or are diagnosed with heart disease.
- Treatment for those whose EKG has an abnormal result may vary depending on the cause. But some common treatments include a pacemaker, medication, cardiac catheterization, and fluids.
Commonly asked questions
When to use an Abnormal EKG ICD code?
You can use an abnormal EKG ICD code if you find abnormal results during a patient’s EKG reading.
Is the Abnormal EKG diagnosis code billable?
The lone ICD-10 code for abnormal EKG is billable.
What are the common treatments for those with an Abnormal EKG reading?
Common treatments are installing a pacemaker, fluids, medication, and in certain cases, for those who experienced a heart attack or cardiac catheterization.
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