20 ICD Codes for Mental Health in 2023

By Jamie Frew on Apr 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What are ICD codes?

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes have become critical to medical documentation and diagnosis in healthcare. These standardized codes—which serve as the foundation for categorizing diseases, injuries, and other health conditions—are developed and maintained by the World Health Organization. It's the tenth revision, and the most recent edition of diagnosis codes is called ICD-10.

ICD codes have long been used for accurate patient care documentation, clinical outcome reporting, and payment processing. The codes have been divided into chapters based on disease type and body system to assist medical professionals in quickly and accurately identifying the condition being treated. Hospital admission and discharge times have also decreased over the years due to innovations such as mental health ICD-10 codes and ICD codes for anxiety.

It may come as a surprise, but there is no set number of ICD codes. As new diseases emerge and treatments are developed, the codes must be updated to ensure that doctors and nurses have up-to-date information to help them diagnose, treat, and document other diseases in their patients' records.

But don't worry! This post will review the most recent additions and changes to the ICD coding system for various mental health diagnoses.

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How does ICD-10 relate to mental health issues?

ICD-10 codes are critical for identifying and diagnosing mental health problems. Mental- and behavioral disturbances and stress-related, as well as health problems, are among the most common and severe health issues worldwide. The ICD-10 includes specific codes for mental and behavioral disorders. These codes are used to document and diagnose various mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

In addition, ICD-10 codes include diagnostic guidelines for mental health conditions, allowing healthcare providers to use a standardized approach to diagnosis, treatment, and documentation of mental disorders. These guidelines ensure that patients receive proper and appropriate care regardless of where they seek treatment. It also includes factors that can affect mental health, various factors such as stress and trauma—making it possible to identify and document the full range of issues affecting a patient's mental well-being.

The importance of CPT and ICD codes cannot be overstated. ICD-10 codes for mental health issues and others like ICD codes for speech therapy can aid in tracking and analyzing health trends, which are crucial factors influencing health status and developing effective healthcare policies and programs. These diagnostic codes are necessary to compare treatments and outcomes across different providers and settings, impeding efforts to improve patient care.

Recent ICD-10-CM FY 2024 diagnosis code updates

The FY 2024 updates to the ICD-10-CM include significant enhancements across various chapters, particularly in Chapter 20—External Causes of Morbidity (V00-Y99), the latest changes introducing numerous new codes focused on detailing accidents and injuries. However, noteworthy changes have also been implemented in the coding of mental health conditions to increase the specificity and accuracy of diagnoses.

  • Mental and behavioral disorders due to substance use: New codes have been added to categorize better disorders arising from the use of substances like benzodiazepines, zolpidem, other non-benzodiazepine hypnotics, and cannabis.
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: Enhancements include new codes for conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities, allowing for more precise identification and management.
  • Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders: This update includes refined coding for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and delusional disorder, reflecting nuanced differences in these conditions.
  • Mood disorders: Additional codes for mood disorders now include those for major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder, facilitating better treatment alignment.
  • Anxiety disorders: Expanded codes for anxiety disorders now encompass panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder, among others.
  • Neurotic, stress-related, and somatoform disorders: New codes for disorders like conversion disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and hypochondriasis have been introduced to address these complex conditions more effectively.
  • Personality disorders: The update has added specific codes for personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Eating disorders: The coding for eating disorders has been expanded to include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, which helps in tailoring patient care.
  • Sleep-wake disorders: New codes have been introduced for disorders such as insomnia, hypersomnia, and narcolepsy, aiding in the detailed documentation and treatment planning.
  • Sexual dysfunctions: The latest update includes codes for conditions such as male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, female orgasmic disorder, and erectile disorder, enhancing the scope for treatment and research.

These ICD-10-CM code updates for FY 2024 significantly improve the granularity with which mental health disorders are recorded and treated. This progress supports healthcare providers in delivering precise and individualized care and enhances data quality for research and policy-making in the mental health field.

20 ICD Codes for Mental Health in 2024

ICD codes are a critical tool in healthcare, meticulously revised and expanded by the WHO and adapted for use in the United States through the clinical modification known as ICD-10-CM. This adaptation features a new code and over 70,000 codes that describe diseases, symptoms, abnormal findings, and external causes of injury or illness, including an extensive array of codes dedicated to mental health.

Mental health diagnostics are particularly nuanced, with codes covering a vast spectrum of specific diagnoses, from autism to mood, anxiety, eating, and personality disorders. Each code may include subcategories and modifiers, providing detailed information about the diagnosed conditions. In 2024, the "Mental, Behavioral, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders" chapter of the ICD-10-CM is structured into three primary categories to aid in organizing these complexities:

  • G codes: These codes categorize various health-related factors influencing healthcare delivery, often used in contexts beyond immediate clinical diagnosis for broader applications in patient care, research, or reimbursement processes.
  • Z codes: Focused on factors influencing health status and healthcare delivery, these codes do not represent diseases but are crucial for documenting situational aspects affecting patient management.
  • F codes: Directly relevant to mental and behavioral disorders, these codes encompass the majority of mental health-related ICD-10 coding, essential for documentation and insurance purposes in clinical settings.

Despite the broad array of codes, only a subset is commonly encountered in typical therapy practices. To streamline this for practical use, we have listed the most pertinent ICD codes for mental health in 2024:

Common G codes

  • G20: Parkinson's disease
  • G30: Alzheimer's disease
  • G90: Autonomic nervous system disorders

Common Z codes

  • Z00.4: General psychiatric examination, not elsewhere classified
  • Z03.2: Observation for suspected mental and behavioral disorders
  • Z13.3: Special screening examination for mental and behavioral disorders
  • Z50.4: Psychotherapy, not elsewhere classified
  • Z63.0: Problems in relationship with spouse or partner
  • Z71.9: Counseling, unspecified
  • Z81.8: Family history of other mental and behavioral disorders
  • Z91.4: Personal history of psychological trauma, not elsewhere classified

Common F codes

  • F06.1: Catatonic disorder due to known physiological condition
  • F33.0: Major depressive disorder, recurrent, mild
  • F34.1: Dysthymic disorder
  • F41.0: Panic disorder without agoraphobia
  • F41.1: Generalized anxiety disorder
  • F43.23: Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood
  • F60.9: Personality disorder, unspecified
  • F84.0: Childhood autism
  • F90.0: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, predominantly inattentive type

These codes are essential for healthcare providers to accurately document diagnoses, facilitate patient care, and ensure appropriate billing and insurance processing. Familiarity with these codes aids in effectively managing mental health issues, reflecting the latest standards and medical understanding.


ICD codes for mental and behavioral health can provide healthcare providers and insurance companies with a standard system for classifying and coding various mental and behavioral health disorders. The codes are accompanied by subcategories and modifiers that provide additional information about the diagnosed condition.

While these codes are essential to the diagnostic process, they should not be used alone to diagnose a mental health condition. They are utilized in conjunction with other diagnostic instruments and clinical assessments. The ongoing development and evolution of ICD codes ensure that they continue to reflect our evolving understanding of mental health disorders.

Billing and coding software

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