11 fun and engaging group activities for self care

By Jamie Frew on Aug 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Impact of stress on physical & mental health

Everyone experiences stress daily, which can significantly impact physical and mental health.

Self-care is essential for living a happy and healthy life. In today's fast-paced world, clients may frequently feel stressed and overwhelmed, which can lead to mental health issues. That is why reminding them that self-care practices are essential for stress management, emotional health, and overall well-being.

Before we get to the fun stuff, let's talk about how vital practicing self-care is. Stress can mess with our bodies and minds, causing heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and more. Chronic stress can leave one exhausted, unfocused, and burned out.

But what exactly is stress, and how does it cause so many problems? Stress is our body's natural response to any challenge or demand. It's a survival instinct! People must contend with various stressors, some of which are pretty difficult to avoid. An endless list of things can put us under pressure daily, from work obligations to family troubles to money worries. However, even though a lot of us are stressed out, 66% of us feel that they do not have the support to get through it (American Psychological Association, 2023). Not cool, right?

That's where self-care comes in. Your role as a mental health professional can assist clients in caring for themselves. Self-care activities can be done alone or with a group. And let me tell you, there are some really fun and exciting group self-care activities out there that you can advise clients to do with their friends, family, or coworkers.

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Understanding self-care

Self-care strategies involve doing things that make individuals feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. These include working out, eating well, meditating, and being aware of the present moment. Self-care is very important for reducing stress, improving health, and preventing burnout. And it isn’t just something your clients can do once; it’s something they should do every day for the rest of their lives.

Importance of self-care for groups

Self-care is essential for individuals and groups, especially considering how much better we can support those around us if we take care of ourselves. Self-care activities for groups can foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for one another's well-being. It can also reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve group cohesion.

11 Fun and Engaging Group Activities for Self-care

Sometimes, thinking of fun and engaging self-care activities in a group setting can be challenging. In the following sections, we’ll explore 11 self-care group activities your clients can try with their loved ones. Each activity is designed to help them relax, recharge, and find a little peace and joy amid such busy lives through self-care routines. Equipped with these tasks, you’ll be good at making group therapy effective and successful at guiding clients toward their desired outcomes.

1. Gratitude journaling

Gratitude journaling is a simple but effective form of self-care.

In a journal, have each person write down three things they're grateful for daily. Encourage them to share their entries with the group at the end of the week. This can help to foster a sense of gratitude and positivity, which benefits everyone's mental health.

2. The team self-care wheel

The Self-Care Wheel is a team-building activity that helps identify various aspects of self-care and develop an improvement plan and self-care plan. Participants make a wheel of self-care categories, such as physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Fill the wheel with your self-care activities and share them with the group. This can foster a shared responsibility for everyone’s well-being and inspire people to try new self-care activities. Because stress can also lead to various physical health conditions, you can advise them to try group fitness activities in their local fitness studios, or group class at a gym.

3. Enjoying a karaoke night together

Karaoke is a fun self-care activity that allows people to unwind and socialize with others. They can rent a karaoke machine, go to a karaoke bar, or even sing along with YouTube videos to their favorite songs.

4. Exercising outdoors

Physical movement is essential for self-care. Going for a group walk, hike, or bike ride is a great way to exercise, but it can also improve your clients' mood and reduce stress. Tai chi or other group fitness classes in a park or natural setting.

Another self-care activity is doing outdoor yoga with a friend or watching a video tutorial online to improve physical health. Yoga can help one feel better by making them less stressed, more flexible, and more balanced. Yoga has many benefits for promoting physical, mental, and spiritual health.

5. Having a mindful conversation

Clients can initiate meaningful conversations with others, which can help them connect with them and build deeper relationships. Prompt clients to set aside time for a group discussion on a specific topic or share stories about their personal experiences. This requires a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.

6. Group meditation

Meditation is an intense form of self-care that can help relieve stress and foster mindfulness. Each day, they can try meditating as a group for a few minutes. If they do this during your group sessions, you can use an application such as Headspace or Insight Timer or choose a quiet place to sit and concentrate on their breath. These simple mindfulness practices can make a difference in their day and reduce stress levels.

7. Cooking class

Encourage your clients to organize a group cooking class as a fun and engaging way to practice self-care and improve their diet. Advise them to pick a healthy dish to prepare together, which promotes healthy eating habits and the joy of creating something as a group. To enhance the experience, remind them to practice mindful eating by paying attention to the food’s flavors, textures, and aromas.

Baking is another enjoyable and creative activity in which student groups or friends can engage, offering a sweet way to connect. They can make a recipe together or have a bake-off where everyone brings baked goods.

8. Watch TV and movies together

Watching television and movies in a group setting can be a relaxing and low-key way for clients to spend time together. Recommend organizing movie nights, binge-watching a TV show, or watching and discussing a documentary. This can be particularly beneficial for student groups looking for a way to unwind while still engaging in a shared activity.

9. Board game night

Suggest that clients organize a board game night to strengthen group bonds while practicing self-care. Board games can be fun and engaging, encouraging teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Advise them to choose games that everyone enjoys and take turns hosting the game nights, making it a regular event that student groups or any group of friends can attend.

10. Get pets

If some group members consider getting pets, advise them on the numerous benefits, such as stress reduction, improved mood, and increased physical activity. You can guide them in researching and selecting the best pet for their lifestyle, ensuring it's a well-considered decision. Having a pet can also encourage mindful routines, like regular walks, which can be a group activity.

11. Book club

Starting a book club can be an excellent way for clients to practice self-care and stimulate their minds. They can choose books that inspire personal growth and healthy habits and set aside time to discuss them. A vision board could be incorporated into the book club, allowing members to track their goals and inspirations derived from their readings visually. This is a fantastic group therapy activity for adults and can also be adapted for children.

You can check out our Self-Care Ideas handout if you want more ideas for your clients.

Take home message

Incorporating self-care activities into your clients' regular routines is essential for maintaining their mental and physical health. Encouraging them to engage in these activities within a group setting can be particularly beneficial.

When clients are surrounded by others who are equally committed to self-care, it fosters a unique sense of community, support, and well-being. This environment can help promote self-compassion and self-acceptance, allowing clients to be fully present during the activities. Remind your clients that self-care isn't just an occasional practice—it's a lifelong habit that requires consistent attention and maintenance. Making these exercises a regular part of their routine can reduce stress, improve overall health, and enhance social life.


American Psychological Association. (2023, November). Stress in America 2023. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2023/collective-trauma-recovery

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