Adult Teeth

Explore Carepatron’s Adult Teeth Chart to understand the arrangement and development of adult teeth, essential for dental health and care planning.

By Emma Hainsworth on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is an Adult Teeth Chart?

An Adult Teeth Chart, also known as a dental chart or a permanent teeth chart, is a detailed diagram that outlines the arrangement and timeline for the eruption of permanent teeth. This chart is a crucial resource for both dental professionals and patients, providing a visual guide to the set of teeth that adults have, which typically amount to 32, including wisdom teeth.

The Adult Teeth Chart usually includes several key pieces of information. First, it identifies each tooth by its medical name and type — incisors, canines, premolars, and molars — and is often divided into sections representing the upper and lower jaws. The teeth are numbered or lettered according to a standard dental numbering system, which is universally recognized by dental professionals worldwide. This allows for precise identification and communication regarding each specific tooth.

For each tooth, the chart indicates the general age range when it is expected to emerge or "erupt." This is valuable for tracking dental development from childhood into adolescence. Moreover, the chart can be used to anticipate when wisdom teeth might emerge, typically in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Dental practitioners use the Adult Teeth Chart during examinations and treatments to accurately record information and create treatment plans. In education, it helps students understand the structure and development of adult dentition. For patients, it is a reference point for discussions about dental health and procedures, such as orthodontics or extractions.

In summary, the Adult Teeth Chart is a standardized tool essential in dental health management, education, and professional practice. It provides a comprehensive overview of adult teeth, their names, positions, and the timeline of their appearance, facilitating effective dental care and communication.

Printable Adult Teeth Chart

Download this Adult Teeth Chart, a diagram that outlines the arrangement and timeline for the eruption of permanent teeth.

How Does it Work?

Utilizing an Adult teeth chart is a straightforward process crucial for tracking dental development. This tool is indispensable for dental professionals to accurately identify and discuss teeth eruption timelines. Here’s a step-by-step guide to accessing and using the Adult Teeth Chart PDF effectively:

Step 1: Download the Printable Teeth Number Chart

Access the chart by clicking the link on our page.The chart will open in your default PDF reader, ready for digital use. Prefer a physical copy? Print it out for easy reference during dental consultations.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with Tooth Positioning and Development Stages

Use the chart to understand how teeth are positioned in both the upper and lower jaws. Note the developmental stages, indicated by the ages at which each tooth typically erupts.

Step 3: Understand the Eruption Timeline

Review the chart to familiarize yourself with the eruption timeline indicated for each type of tooth. Observe the layout that shows the sequence of upper and lower teeth, from central incisors to third molars.

By following these steps, you can effectively utilize the Adult Teeth Chart, which is beneficial not only for dental professionals in planning treatments but also for individuals, especially parents or caregivers, who wish to be proactive about monitoring and understanding the dental development of their children.

Adult Teeth Chart Example (Sample)

The Adult Teeth Chart offers a detailed visual representation of the typical eruption schedule for both upper and lower permanent teeth, Outlining the age range during which each type of tooth is expected to emerge through the gums.

Here's a summarized list of teeth names and age ranges for eruption, as featured on our free adult teeth chart PDF.

Upper Teeth Eruption Schedule:

  • Central Incisors: 7-8 years
  • Lateral Incisors: 8-9 years
  • Canines: 11-12 years
  • First Premolars: 10-11 years
  • Second Premolars: 10-12 years
  • First Molars: 6-7 years
  • Second Molars: 12-13 years
  • Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth): 17-21 years

Lower Teeth Eruption Schedule:

  • Central Incisors: 6-7 years
  • Lateral Incisors: 7-8 years
  • Canines: 9-10 years
  • First Premolars: 10-12 years
  • Second Premolars: 11-12 years
  • First Molars: 6-7 years
  • Second Molars: 11-13 years
  • Third Molars (Wisdom Teeth): 17-21 years

Download this Adult Teeth Chart Example

Adult Teeth Chart Example (Sample)

When Would You Use This Chart?

The Adult Teeth Chart is an essential tool for dental professionals, encompassing general dentists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, and oral health therapists. This chart is most appropriately utilized at specific junctures in dental care to ensure accurate tracking of adult tooth development and to facilitate effective patient management.

Initial Pediatric Consultations

At the onset of a child's transition from primary to permanent teeth, a dentist would use the Adult Teeth Chart to predict and track the eruption of adult teeth. This is particularly critical around the ages of 6 to 12 when most permanent teeth begin to emerge.

Orthodontic Assessments

Orthodontists consult the chart to determine the presence and alignment of adult teeth, which is vital for planning interventions like braces or retainers. The chart aids in timing these treatments to coincide with the stages of dental development.

Preventive Dentistry

During routine dental check-ups, the Adult Teeth Chart is a key resource in preventive care. Dentists can identify if adult teeth are emerging correctly or if preventive measures, such as space maintainers or sealants, are needed.

Patient Education

Dental professionals use the chart as a visual aid to educate patients about their dental development or to explain why certain treatments may be necessary.


The chart is integral for maintaining accurate dental records, documenting the emergence of adult teeth, and noting any deviations from the typical eruption pattern.

In sum, the Adult Teeth Chart is an indispensable form when accurate documentation of tooth eruption is required, when planning orthodontic or oral surgical procedures, and when educating patients about their oral health. It supports a comprehensive approach to dental care, ensuring practitioners have a clear overview of a patient's developmental stage at every dental visit.

What do the Results Mean?

When using the Free Adult Teeth Chart, the results typically observed can provide crucial information about an individual's dental health and developmental stage. These results are interpreted based on the comparison between the expected eruption timeline detailed in the chart and the actual dental status of the patient.

On-Schedule Eruption

If the results show that the teeth have erupted according to the expected timeline, it indicates normal dental development. This ideal scenario suggests that the patient’s oral health is progressing typically, with little to no deviation from standard developmental patterns.

Delayed Eruption

In cases where the eruption is delayed, it might indicate potential underlying issues. Delayed eruption can be due to various factors, such as genetic influences, endocrine disorders, or nutritional deficiencies. It's also common in cases of crowding or impaction, especially with wisdom teeth. Early identification of delayed eruption allows for timely interventions and possibly orthodontic treatments.

Early Eruption

Conversely, an early eruption could also present certain challenges. While not always problematic, it can sometimes lead to alignment issues or bite problems, necessitating monitoring, and potentially early orthodontic intervention.

Missing Teeth (Agenesis)

The absence of certain teeth, as revealed by the chart, could indicate congenital absence or agenesis. This might require prosthetic solutions like implants or bridges later in life, and early identification allows for better planning.

Supernumerary (Extra) Teeth

Extra teeth that are not usually part of the standard dental count may also be identified. These supernumerary teeth can lead to crowding or impaction and often require extraction.

Tooth Decay or Damage

While the chart primarily focuses on eruption, it can indirectly highlight issues like decay or damage in already erupted teeth, prompting preventive care or treatment.

In summary, the Adult Teeth Chart is an integral diagnostic tool in dentistry, helping identify normal and abnormal dental development patterns. Understanding these results enables dental professionals to plan appropriate treatments, interventions, or educational strategies, ensuring optimal dental health for their patients.

Why Use Carepatron as Your Adult Teeth App?

Carepatron is an exemplary choice for dental professionals requiring a detailed and reliable Adult Teeth Eruption Chart. Tailored for precision in monitoring tooth development and aiding in patient consultations, its user-friendly interface streamlines dental assessments and enhances patient communication.

Key Features of Carepatron's Adult Teeth Eruption Chart:

  • Customizable Eruption Timeline: Enables dentists to modify the timeline to align with individual patient profiles, ensuring a more personalized approach to monitoring dental development.
  • Extensive Educational Resources: Provides in-depth training materials and support, equipping dentists with the knowledge to effectively utilize the chart in practice.
  • Stringent Data Protection: Adopts rigorous security measures to safeguard sensitive patient data, reinforcing the privacy and confidence essential to the patient-practitioner relationship.
  • Updated Developmental Insights: Incorporates the latest findings from dental developmental studies, offering practitioners up-to-date references for tracking tooth eruption.

Carepatron’s amalgamation of ease of use, secure data handling, and evidence-based updates positions it as a prime solution for dental professionals aiming to elevate the standard of care with cutting-edge digital tools.


Zimmerman, B., Shumway, K. R., & Jenzer, A. C. (2023). Physiology, Tooth. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Jain, P., & Rathee, M. (2023). Anatomy, Head and Neck, Tooth Eruption. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Havale, R., Sheetal, B. S., Patil, R., Hemant Kumar, R., Anegundi, R. T., & Inushekar, K. R. (2015). Dental notation for primary teeth: a review and suggestion of a novel system. European journal of paediatric dentistry, 16(2), 163–166. 

Prabhakar, M., & Sivapathasundharam, B. (2021). Tooth eruption clock: A novel learning aid. Journal of oral and maxillofacial pathology : JOMFP, 25(3), 515–516. 

Yurdukoru B. (1989). Dis formüllerinin standardizasyonu [Standardization of the tooth numbering systems]. Ankara Universitesi Dis Hekimligi Fakultesi dergisi = The Journal of the Dental Faculty of Ankara University, 16(3), 527–531. 

Al-Johany S. S. (2016). Tooth Numbering System in Saudi Arabia: Survey. The Saudi dental journal, 28(4), 183–188. 

Who Uses an Adult Teeth Chart?
Who Uses an Adult Teeth Chart?

Commonly asked questions

Who Uses an Adult Teeth Chart?

Adult Teeth Charts are utilized by various dental professionals, including general dentists, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, prosthodontists, and dental hygienists. These charts are also valuable for dental students learning about tooth development and adult dental anatomy. Patients may also be shown the chart to help them understand their dental health and treatment plans.

What is the Purpose of an Adult Teeth Chart?

The primary purpose of an Adult Teeth Chart is to track and monitor the eruption and development of adult teeth. It provides a visual timeline for when each permanent tooth should appear, which is essential for diagnosing developmental dental issues. The chart is also key in planning various dental treatments, such as orthodontics or the placement of dental prosthetics, and it plays a role in preventive dental care strategies.

When Should an Adult Teeth Chart Be Used?

An Adult Teeth Chart should be used during routine dental check-ups, particularly with children and adolescents, to monitor the progress of their permanent teeth. It is also used when planning orthodontic treatments to ensure that braces or other corrective devices are applied optimally. Furthermore, oral surgeons may consult the chart before performing extractions or other surgical procedures. In educational settings, these charts are crucial for instructing dental students about the stages of dental development.

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