Therapy Worksheets For Kids

Explore our therapy worksheets for kids to support emotional and mental well-being. These resources aim to help children develop healthy coping skills and improve communication for positive habits and behaviors.

By Ashleigh Knowles on Mar 06, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What Is A Therapy Worksheets For Kids?

Finding the right therapy worksheets to engage children whilst facilitating high treatment outcomes can be difficult. Children often require greater support when it comes to evaluating and assessing mental health needs, which is why we're here to help. These worksheets are designed to specifically cater to the needs of children, and help them make improvements in their psychological, behavioral, and social well-being. These therapy worksheets for kids can be used during appointments, but can also be assigned as homework exercises for children to complete with their caregivers. The therapy worksheets build upon therapeutic skills and allow the child to express their thoughts and feelings freely so you can create highly effective treatment plans. Children can contribute to the worksheet, so they play an active role in therapy, despite their age and comprehension levels, and mental health care professionals can produce richer insight when it comes to understanding their younger clients.

Printable Therapy Worksheets For Kids

Download these Therapy Worksheets For Kids to improve your younger client's therapy journey and outcomes.

How To Use This Worksheet For Kids For Therapy

To effectively utilize this kids therapy worksheet, consider the following three steps. They're simple and easy to implement and ensure that you're on the right track.

Step 1: Download the worksheet

Although this may seem obvious, the first step is to download the worksheet by clicking the links on this page. It is free, and only takes a few seconds! The worksheet should open automatically on your preferred device, where you can print physical copies, as well as edit electronically.

Step 2: Give the worksheet to your client

The next step is to distribute the worksheet to your client. Ideally, this is within your session, so you can work with the child to produce high results. Some children may have difficulties understanding the worksheet, despite its easy comprehension level, which is why collaborating with the child may be a good option. Alternatively, you can also assign the worksheet as homework for the child to complete with their caregiver at home.

Step 3: Secure the worksheet

This tip is often overlooked, yet it is an important one. If the child does not wish to keep the worksheet, then you may store it alongside your clinical documents and notes. However, because the worksheet contains highly sensitive information, you should store it within a secure HIPAA-compliant platform to safeguard the client's information.

Therapy Worksheets For Kids Example (Sample)

 Sometimes it's easier to view an example of what the worksheet looks like to ensure that you are using it correctly. As a result, we have created a completed therapy worksheet for kids, based on a fictitious case, that you can view. If you wish to incorporate this worksheet within your practice right away, then you can also download blank templates. Both links are on this page, and both are free to download.

Download these Therapy Worksheets For Kids Examples (Sample) here: 

Therapy Worksheets For Kids Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Therapy Worksheet For Kids (PDF)?

As we're sure you know, there is an abundance of mental health professionals who work with children, and as a result, these worksheets are applicable to a variety of specializations. Quite simply, if you work with children, and wish to better understand their mental state and psychological well-being, then you are sure to benefit from incorporating these worksheets within your practice. Typically, social workers and child counselors will experience some of the highest advantages with these worksheets, however, these sheets follow a versatile and flexible structure meaning that anyone can utilize them. Regardless of the amount of experience you have with child therapy, consider these worksheets to elevate the quality of your practice. Common healthcare professionals who can use these worksheets include the following:

  1. Psychologists
  2. Youth workers
  3. Social workers
  4. Child psychologists
  5. Child counselors

Why Is This Form Useful For Therapists

These kids' therapy worksheets contain a variety of practical uses that you should be aware of. These include the following:

  • Identify areas of concern - Children can be difficult to understand at times, as they are not as articulate or intuitive as adults when it comes to how they're feeling and what may be contributing to their behavior. As a result, these worksheets help you to work towards pinpointing areas of concern, and noting what the child is feeling, as well as what may be the underlying causes for their actions.
  • Go paperless - These worksheets are a great way to reduce administrative tasks, and eliminate unnecessary resources, as they can be completed electronically. If you're running low on time, or want to evaluate a child's state of mind for only a brief period, then consider working straight from the PDF.
  • Simplify workload - These worksheets are a pre-formatted way to assess a child's psychological well-being, meaning you can get straight to the point without compromising on quality. You don't have to spend time planning the content of these worksheets, with all of the hard yards completed for you.
Therapy software feedback

Why Use Carepatron For Therapy Software?

Carepatron is a leading practice management software that can significantly elevate the quality of your services. Edit, store, and manage all your clinical documents in just one place, and ensure that you are producing high-quality notes every time. With our resource library, you can also be supported to gain and consolidate healthcare knowledge across your services, with HIPAA-compliant servers ensuring that patient information is protected at all times.

Not only this, but you can also benefit from appointment scheduling, booking, calendar, and reminder services to optimize the number of clients through your doors. Reduce no-shows, and increase revenue with our automated system that prioritizes you and your client's needs. Take advantage of video consultation and messaging services, so you can hold appointments from the comfort of your own home, as well as online payments to produce faster and more accurate reimbursements. This is especially handy when it comes to insurance, and staying on top of your workload for successful claims. Carepatron is your one-stop shop and can help you grow your services to achieve both long-term and short-term goals.

Therapy Software
Can the child draw on the worksheets?
Can the child draw on the worksheets?

Commonly asked questions

Can the child draw on the worksheets?

Yes, the child can draw on the worksheets if they choose to. Some children are better with pictures than with words, and if this is their preferred method of communication, then absolutely feel free to encourage the child to draw. So long as you are drawing valuable insight that allows you to gain a greater understanding when it comes to the child's state of mind.

Can the child’s caregiver complete the worksheet?

It is recommended that the caregiver helps their child in completing the worksheet, however, they should not complete the worksheet for the child. The caregiver should not have any input as to what goes on the worksheet, besides transcribing what the child is saying. There are other opportunities during appointments for the caregiver to express their perspective.

Can this worksheet be used for teenagers?

This worksheet is mostly beneficial for children under the age of 12, with adolescent worksheets being better suited for teenagers. However, of course, this is not an exclusive rule, and if you feel that this worksheet will benefit your teenage clients, then feel free to incorporate it.

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