Food Diary Template

Download this free, downloadable food diary template to help you and your clients track what they eat daily and weekly.

By Patricia Buenaventura on May 13, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is a Food Diary?

A food diary, a food journal or log, records all the food and drinks you consume in a given period. It tracks your daily eating habits and can be a helpful tool for weight loss, identifying food allergies or intolerances, and maintaining a healthy diet.

Keeping track of your food intake is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A food diary can help you monitor your calorie intake, identify any problem areas in your diet, and make necessary changes to improve your overall health. It also serves as a great reference tool for identifying patterns in your eating habits and can aid in weight loss efforts.

The importance of keeping track of your meals

One of the main reasons to keep a food diary is to track your calorie intake and food consumed. When losing weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. By recording everything you eat and drink, you can easily calculate your daily calorie intake and adjust as needed.

In addition to managing your weight, a food diary can help identify any food intolerances or allergies you may have. By carefully tracking the foods you consume, you can pinpoint potential triggers for symptoms such as bloating, headaches, or skin reactions. This information is crucial in identifying and eliminating problem foods from your diet.

Printable Food Diary Template

Download this Food Diary Template to track your client's food intake.

Printable Food Diary Template

Download this Food Diary Template to track your client’s food intake.

How does this Food Diary Template work?

Step 1: Access and download the template.

Search for “food diary” in the Carepatron's template library on the app or website and click download. Click the “Download Template” or “Use Template” button above. 

Step 2: Personalize.

Our Food Diary template is editable. Therefore, you may include prompts to help patients remember details that will help you gather data or formulate clinical impressions. 

Step 3: Fill out the needed information.

Once customized, you may give it to your patient or fill it out for inpatients, geriatric clients, etc. Begin by writing down the needed patient information: name, contact number, date of birth, e-mail, age, gender, sex, and address. 

Step 4: Track what you're eating.

Don't forget to give the following reminders to your patients if they will fill it up themselves:

  • When tracking what you're eating, it's recommended that you write down what you've consumed as soon as the meal has concluded and not wait until the start of the next meal or the end of the day because you may forget what you've eaten or drank. 
  • Write comments regarding how you feel, who you're with, what influences your food choices, etc., either alongside per meal or at the bottom of each daily table.

Food Diary Template example (sample)

We've created a sample to help you picture how this tool and resource can benefit your practice. There are multiple ways to fill out this template; you may edit and customize it according to the end goal. 

Download this Food Diary Template Example (Sample) here:

Food Diary Template Example (Sample)

When to use these food journal templates

Though you can use this template for whatever purpose, it should be used:

  • When your client is getting back on track after being diagnosed with an eating disorder
  • When your client needs help identifying what's causing a rise or fall in what's written on their blood test results
  • When your client can't figure out which ingredient they are reacting negatively to, either physically or emotionally
  • When your client is tracking their health

Remember that a food journal is a tracker, not the sole resource for diagnosis or treatment plans. A more accurate clinical impression, diagnosis, or well-designed treatment plan can benefit from further testing, additional consultation, etc., by the client. 

Tips to staying consistent with a Food Diary

Here are some tips to help stay consistent and get the most out of the food diary:

  • Choose a format that works: Food diary templates can be kept in various forms, such as a physical notebook or an app on your phone, or printable templates like a Food Log, Food Journal Template, weekly food diary, and more. Choose one that best suits your needs and preferences.
  • Be honest and accurate: To get a precise picture of your food consumption, be honest and record everything you eat and drink. This includes snacks, condiments, and any small bites throughout the day.
  • Include details about portion sizes: To track your calorie intake accurately, it is essential to note the portion size of each food item. You can use measuring cups or a food scale for precise measurements.
  • Write down where and when you ate: Keeping track of the location and time of your meals can help identify any patterns or habits related to your eating behaviors.
  • Make notes about your mood: Your emotional state can significantly impact your food choices. By noting how you're feeling before and after each meal, you may uncover any emotional triggers for overeating or unhealthy food choices.
  • Include labels and nutritional information: If you are trying to lose weight or follow a specific diet, including the labels and nutritional information of the foods you consume can be helpful. This can help you track your calorie intake and make healthier choices.
  • Stay consistent: To get the most out of your food diary, it is essential to stay compatible with recording your meals and snacks every day. This will provide a comprehensive overview of your eating habits.
  • Review and reflect: At the end of each week, take some time to review your food diary. Look for patterns or trends in your food choices and identify areas where you can make healthier changes.
  • Identify food intolerances: If you suspect that certain foods may be causing allergic reactions or discomfort, your food diary can help identify potential triggers. Make a note of any symptoms after consuming specific foods and consult with a healthcare professional if necessary.
  • Track your water intake: Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and weight loss. Record in your food diary how much water you drink throughout the day.
  • Consider using a food tracking app: If you prefer a digital option, many free food diary apps can help you track your meals and provide additional features such as calorie counting and meal planning.
  • Experiment with different food groupings: To better understand your eating habits, try categorizing your foods into other food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates. This can help you see if you are getting a balanced intake of nutrients.
  • Include cheat days: It's important to balance your diet and allow occasional indulgences like junk food. Track these "cheat days" in your food diary to stay accountable.

Why use Carepatron as your Food Diary app?

Equip yourself with the means and tools to efficiently handle and accomplish administrative tasks with Carepatron, a leading practice management software in the healthcare industry. By streamlining clinical and business processes, all your focus will be on delivering stellar patient care.

Download our application for free, available on desktops, iOs, and Android, to access the following:

  • The food diary template and over 100 more downloadable, printable, and digitally editable PDF templates of tests, surveys, assessments, and more.
  • A HIPAA-compliant and secure EHR for your digital notes, medical billings, and client's medical history.
  • Multiple integrated scheduling and telehealth software applications.
  • An automated payment system you can set up for your client.

Make Carepatron your go-to app by giving it a try today! Sign up and get access to all of them, starting with our free basic plan.

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How to use the Food Diary Template?
How to use the Food Diary Template?

Commonly asked questions

How to use the Food Diary Template?

Print out a copy of the food diary template and fill in your daily meals and snacks. You can also make a digital copy and edit it on your computer or smartphone.

How to interpret the Food Diary Template results?

The results of your food diary will show you a clear picture of your daily food intake and eating habits. You can use this information to make healthier choices, identify trigger foods, and track your progress toward weight loss goals. It can also help you see where you may need to adjust your diet for optimal nutrition.

What does the Food Diary Template do?

The food diary template helps you keep track of your daily food intake and eating habits. It allows you to record what you eat, how much you eat, and any relevant notes, such as food allergies or intolerances. This information can be used to identify patterns in your diet and make necessary changes for a healthier lifestyle.

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