Feelings Worksheet For Kids

Kids can struggle to cope with big feelings, but you can help them understand and problem-solve their emotions through alternative thoughts, phrases, and actions using our Feelings Worksheet for Kids.

By Bernard Ramirez on May 13, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What Is A Feelings Worksheet For Kids?

Just like for adults and teens, the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be used to help give kids the tools they need to understand their big feelings, problem-solve emotional situations, and practice alternative coping strategies. Some of your clients may struggle to verbalize their feelings or thoughts, and that’s where our worksheet comes in handy.

Our has been designed specifically for kids to identify their feelings, reflect on their thoughts, words, and actions, and create a plan for next time.

This Feelings Worksheet for Kids incorporates principles of CBT into a single, printable PDF tool to assist your clients towards their therapeutic goals, and is designed to be completed by your child clients- either independently, or with as much assistance from you as you like.

Printable Feelings Worksheets For Kids

Download these Feelings Worksheet For Kids to improve your younger client's treatment progress and therapy outcomes.

How To Use This Feelings Worksheet For Kids

We have kept this Feelings Worksheet for Kids super simple to use, just follow this step-by-step guide to start helping your clients manage their emotions, and develop strategies to cope for the next time they are struggling with their feelings.

Step One. Download the Worksheet

The first step is to get yourself a copy of the PDF worksheet. You can download this using the link on this page. Once you have a digital copy of the worksheet, you can proceed to print it out for your client.

Step Two. Provide the Worksheet to your Client

Once you have printed out a paper copy of the Feelings Worksheet, the next step is to provide it to your client. The first time they complete this worksheet, they may need some assistance filling out the different parts. 

It is also important that you offer this worksheet to your client when they have been experiencing a feeling that led to undesirable behaviors or thoughts. This is because this Feelings Worksheet is designed to help them create alternative strategies for handling the emotion, and not for emotions that are already working well for your client!  

Step Three. Help your Client to Fill in the Worksheet

Depending on the client, you may offer differing levels of assistance in completing the worksheet. This could look like helping your client find a name for their feeling, asking leading questions about their thoughts and actions following the event, and suggesting alternative thoughts, phrases, or actions for next time.

Step Four. Store the Worksheet Somewhere Safe

Once your client has completed the worksheet, the last step is to store it somewhere secure with the rest of their therapeutic record if they choose to return it to you.

Feelings Worksheet For Kids Example (Sample)

To get an idea of the sorts of things your client may write in their worksheet, or the sort of issue this worksheet can assist your client with, just take a look at our Feelings Worksheet for Kids example template. This example is based on a fictional account of a young client struggling with changes to their routine. Take a look at the sample worksheet below.

Download this Feelings Worksheet Example (Sample) here: 

Feelings Worksheet For Kids Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable Feelings Worksheet For Kids (PDF)?

This template can help any practitioners who work with young children, whether that is in the form of one-on-one counseling sessions, as a behavioral therapist in schools, or as a child social worker. Whatever capacity you work in, this worksheet can help your younger clients to put words to their feelings and think about how they can develop new coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills. 

Here are just a few of the professions that can benefit from incorporating this worksheet into their practice.

  1. Child Counsellor
  2. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapist
  3. Behavioral Specialist
  4. Child Psychologist
  5. Child Social Worker
  6. Child ADHD Coach
  7. Speech Language Pathologist
  8. Pediatric Nurses and Pediatricians

And many others!

Why Is This Form Useful For Therapists?

This form has a variety of useful features for children’s healthcare workers, including:

Kid-friendly Design Features

Such as large font and illustrations make it more accessible for your pre-adolescent clients to engage with this resource, improving the chances of you and your client making solid steps towards their future development.

Face Illustration Feature

The blank face on the first page of the template is a great way for more artistically inclined kids to convey how they felt if they are struggling to find the words to explain verbally or in writing.

Can be completed between sessions

For your older kids who can work independently between sessions, this worksheet serves as a great resource to work on by themselves to ensure they are consistently addressing their emotions and negative thoughts, even between sessions. They can then bring the worksheet to their next session with you to discuss together.

Practice management software feedback

Why Use Carepatron For Feelings Worksheets?

Carepatron is a comprehensive suite of software solutions for all kinds of healthcare practices including children’s counseling, mental health, social work, and general practices. Carepatron offers a seamless and intuitive experience for managing and automating all aspects of your practice’s administration.

Carepatron allows you to manage your team's calendar, appointment billing and statements, medical coding, and utilize our secure, HIPAA-compliant data storage solutions. Additionally, you can access this worksheet and a whole range of other templates from Carepatron's community template library. Finally, Carepatron comes with all the high-tech solutions you’d expect from state-of-the-art practice management software, including AI-powered dictation, smart calendar integration for your team, and video appointment scheduling.

Feelings Worksheet Software
What age range is this worksheet suitable for?
What age range is this worksheet suitable for?

Commonly asked questions

What age range is this worksheet suitable for?

The age range of children this worksheet can benefit spreads right from pre-school age to adolescents. All you need to be aware of is the amount of assistance you provide to the child as they complete the worksheet. For kids aged 4-6, you may need to discuss each question and write down the answers for the child, whereas for older kids from 6-10 years old, they may be able to complete the worksheet independently and discuss with you as they go or once they have completed it.

When should I use this Feelings Worksheet for kids?

This feelings worksheet is best used the same day as the child has had a behavioral issue, emotional experience, or any kind of big feeling that they would benefit from working through! Using it sooner rather than later will help to ensure the child’s memory of the event is fresh, and they will be able to start working on alternative thoughts and behaviors right away while the ideas are still in their minds.

What sorts of things can I suggest they try next time?

It’s a good idea to have some examples in mind for things your client can say, do, or think next time they encounter a similar situation. Some examples of things your client can try next time are: taking a deep breath, counting to 10, asking an adult for help, telling an adult how they feel, walking away, or finding a quiet place to calm down.

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