Why communication is critical for any growing healthcare business

By Jamie Frew on Feb 29, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Defining effective communication in healthcare

Communication is one of the most critical elements when it comes to operating a successful healthcare business. As soon as a patient steps into your medical clinic, you should be focused on optimizing every stage of their experience, from registration through to check-out. A simple, effective two-way method of communication will guarantee that patients feel like they are being heard and that their needs are being met. When determining the best way to approach effective communication in your healthcare business, it is essential to remember that fundamentally, communication is simply the exchanging of information. Ensuring that your staff and your patients consistently reach clear and mutual understandings will guarantee effective communication within your business.

Further, while the presence of good communication enhances healthcare, its absence can cause harm. A study published in FierceHealthcare highlighted that poor communication was a factor in over $1.7 billion worth of malpractice suits over the past five years. Actively working to improve your communication will protect both you and your patients.

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Importance of communication in healthcare

The importance of communication in healthcare should not be underestimated. Communication is present during all processes related to healthcare, and how communication is managed can have a significant impact on the wellbeing and care of a patient. Before you begin the process of improving your communication, it is initially necessary to understand the different areas of healthcare that are directly related to communication:

  1. Patient data: Within any healthcare business, patient data is frequently transmitted between different physicians, administrative staff, and other healthcare providers. Appropriate medical treatment relies on a patient's complete medical history, so healthcare providers must promptly and securely share patient data.
  2. Colleagues: Communication between colleagues occurs continuously throughout a working day. Whether administrative staff informs physicians of a change to their schedule or physicians ask each other for advice, efficiently communicating ideas between colleagues will help your practice operate smoothly.
  3. Moving patients: Often, patients are moved during their treatment, whether between departments, facilities, or returning home. This movement requires constant communication to ensure better treatment outcomes and reduced numbers of readmission. Unfortunately, discharge cases are often rushed, and very few patients leave inpatient care with a thorough understanding of the next steps in their treatment.
  4. Family members and loved ones: When a patient is seeking medical care, they are often in some of the most vulnerable states of their life. They require support from family members, and healthcare providers need to communicate effectively with these people to receive the help they need.

Sadly, many deaths in the healthcare field have been partly attributed to errors in communication. For the most part, these errors are avoidable, so continuously elevating and improving communication should be a target objective for every healthcare business. 

Tips to improve communication between your healthcare staff and patients

Fortunately, improving communication in your healthcare business is highly achievable, provided you are constantly working at it. To help you optimize your communication and ensure your patient's needs are being met, we have collated some helpful strategies:

Training: Unsurprisingly, one of the most effective ways to teach anyone anything is through practice. Incorporate communication strategies into your mandatory training program to fully equip your staff with all the knowledge they need to deliver the highest quality of care possible.

Feedback: An easy way to find out what is working in your business and what isn't is through surveys. You can hand surveys to patients after appointments or send out automated emails. When you receive the feedback, take it on board and share it with your team so you can identify and improve areas of weakness. Additionally, surveys can highlight what your team is doing well so you know where your strengths are.

Lead by example: If you want to improve the communication of your healthcare business, you need to show that you are working on it too. The workforce culture is often a reflection of how the leadership team treats its employees, so if you demonstrate strong communication skills, these will likely be replicated. Another way to improve the communication between staff members is by holding regular meetings that are highly efficient. Meetings provide a platform for staff members to communicate issues they are experiencing, encouraging transparency across your team.

Patient portal: In recent years, healthcare businesses have started implementing telehealth features to advance their quality of care. Patient portals for healthcare staff and patients provide a secure platform where medical, appointment, and payment information can be accessed. Depending on the provider you use, some patient portals also offer direct secure messaging software between patients and physicians, giving patients a space to communicate any concerns or questions with their doctors.

How does a patient portal improve communication in healthcare?

Patient portals facilitate better communication between healthcare providers and clients. Attempts to contact patients using postage mail and telephone are often unsuccessful and are made even more difficult because some people don't have a phone number or an email address. A patient portal provides a direct secure communication channel between physicians and patients and can be accessed from any device, including phones and computers. Patient portals make it significantly easier for healthcare providers to contact their patients, streamlining an often complicated communication process. The patient portal provides clients with a platform to communicate directly with their healthcare provider without needing a third-party administrative person, which usually takes a lot of time. Certain services, including referrals and renewed prescriptions, can be completed using a patient portal, meaning that patients no longer have to book a separate appointment for these services. Physicians who reliably respond to patient questions and concerns on the patient portal indicate that they genuinely care about the needs of their clients. Many patient portals are integrated with other telehealth features, including electronic health records, medical billing and coding, and clinical documentation, providing your business with a single secure platform that dramatically improves your business's communication. 

Final thoughts

Communication is a fundamental aspect of delivering high-quality healthcare to patients. Ensuring that your team is consistently working to improve their communication will optimize patient experience and positively impact the culture of your workplace. One of the most effective ways to improve communication is by implementing a patient portal. Carepatron's healthcare software includes a fully integrated patient portal that displays appointment and invoice information. Communication will be more transparent, and patients can access all the information required to achieve the best possible treatment outcomes.

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