ADIME Note Template

Optimize your nutritionist services with our free ADIME downloadable note template! Elevate your dietitian practice to deliver high-quality and comprehensive client notes every time.

By Olivia Sayson on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What Is An ADIME Note?

ADIME is an acronym that dietitians and nutritionists use to format their clinical notes for better care. They are used to assess a client's nutrition or diet health, and contain valuable information to make appropriate diagnoses and intervention plans. ADIME stands for Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, and Monitoring and Evaluation, which form the four main sections of the ADIME notes. Let’s take a look at what each of these headings mean.


The assessment section is for the information you gather on your client. This might include:

  • Client’s history including nutrition history, social and family history
  • Client’s medical history where relevant to their diet/nutrition
  • Anthropometric measurements such as height, weight, BMI, arm circumference, and past weight history
  • Results of medical lab tests
  • Vital signs such as resting heart rate, or other biochemical measurements.

Both subjective data, such as your patient’s feelings or self-reporting of their history, and objective data, such as measurements or lab results, can also be included here.


The diagnosis section is for you to write your conclusion of your client’s primary nutritional concern. This should be supported by evidence gathered in the assessment section in order to yield a more meaningful diagnosis.


The intervention section is for the plan for your client. Essentially, it asks what steps do you recommend for your client to address their diagnosis? This might include goals for your client, nutritional prescriptions, counseling, or educational resources.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The final section is for summing up what you will review at your next appointment, and how you will monitor your client’s progress. How will you measure your client’s progress toward their goals?

You might sometimes see these sections split into five sections, or with sub-headings under the main ADIME headings. To keep this template simple, we have provided the four widely recognized ADIME headings and left enough space for you to write your nutrition notes in your preferred style. It's a win-win.

Printable ADIME Note Template & Example

Check out these free ADIME Note Templates to enhance note-taking quality while streamlining your client workflows.

How To Use ADIME Notes in 2023

This template is designed to make it easy for you to take structured and clearly formatted nutritionist notes according to the well-known and up-to-date ADIME note structure. Follow these simple steps to start using this template in your nutrition practice. 

1. Open the template

The template can be downloaded from the link in this page, printed out, or used right from within Carepatron. However you like to take notes, the first step is to open up your template - easy as pie!

2. Fill in your client’s information 

Each ADIME note needs to have your client’s name, birth date, and the date and time of their session. Make sure to double-check this information so it is accurate and free from mistakes.

3. Reason(s) for referral

We have created a dedicated space for a short summary of your patient’s reason for referral to you as a dietitian or nutritionist. This allows for a quick version of their primary complaint rather than a comprehensive history. That way, you can get right to the bottom of their health concerns to save time.

4. Fill in the ADIME sections

The ADIME headings have been set-out for you already. Simply work through these sections with your client and fill in each area appropriately, with sufficient information to guide effective treatment plans. 

5. Sign the ADIME note and store it securely

The last step is to write your name, sign the note, and ensure the note is stored safely. This note contains confidential patient health information and so you have a legal requirement to ensure it is stored securely. Having it located in a dedicated space also allows for all your ADIME notes to be accessible for your follow-up appointments, or when you need to read over them again.

ADIME Note Example (Sample)

To help you understand the sorts of things that belong under each ADIME heading, we have created an example ADIME note using our ADIME note template. While your ADIME notes may differ, and every dietitian or nutritionist will have their own style they like to use for writing notes, this example can help to illustrate what a completed ADIME note may look like. 

Take a look at the sample completed ADIME note template here:

ADIME Note Example (Sample)

Who Can Use this Printable ADIME Note Template?

Our ADIME Note template was designed with Registered Dietitians and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in mind. There are a wide variety of dietetic specialties that can benefit from using our ADIME Note templates, including:

  • Pediatric nutrition
  • Sports dietetics
  • Obesity and weight loss nutrition
  • Oncology nutrition
  • Geriatric nutrition
  • Public health nutrition

Additionally, student nutritionists can also benefit from using this template in their training, and it provides great evidence for clinical sign-offs.

Why Is This Template Useful For Registered Dietitians (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN)

Keep your notes organized

Having a template that separates the key information into easy-to-find sections makes it simple for you to keep your clinical notes organized. As an RD or RDN, you will have many clients all with different needs. Using a template for your ADIME notes is the best way you can standardize your ADIME note-taking and ensure you are providing comprehensive clinical notes for all your clients. 

Structure your client’s session

This ADIME note template not only serves as a structure for your notes but can also be a great way to structure your client’s session with you. Registered Dietitians and Registered Dietitian Nutritionists may see clients for a whole range of reasons, but incorporating a structure to your sessions can help you capture all the important information you need during your session. 

Save time

Templates are an easy and effective way to standardize your note-taking practice. Keeping organized and having a set method for taking client notes in your nutrition or dietitian practice will reap many benefits, including saving you time.

Dietitian feedback for healthcare

Why Use Carepatron For ADIME Notes?

If you’ve just found our ADIME note template, you have made a great start to saving time and getting organized in your clinical practice! Carepatron offers a whole range of time-saving solutions for your nutrition practice, including a wide variety of useful clinical templates, a HIPAA-compliant storage solution for your electronic health records, a patient portal for your clients, smart voice-to-text dictation software, and much more.

Access Carepatron whenever and wherever you need on desktop or mobile, manage your calendar and appointments and even conduct video sessions with your clients all from within Carepatron.

Carepatron is the healthcare workspace you have been waiting for to take your nutrition practice to the next level. Start saving time on your practice administration and get back to taking care of your clients.

Dietitian software
How do I format an ADIME note?
How do I format an ADIME note?

Commonly asked questions

How do I format an ADIME note?

There are many different ways of formatting an ADIME note. Some formats separate Monitoring and Evaluation into two separate sections, and some include sub-headings in each section. We have kept our ADIME note template simple to allow for your preferred style of formatting, whilst providing an overarching format to the entire note to keep it readable and organized. You don't have to put in any extra effort, as the optimized format is already created for you, and ready for you to use.

What does ADIME acronym stand for?

ADIME stands for Assessment, Diagnosis, Intervention, and Monitoring and Evaluation.

What should be included in ADIME note?

This will differ for every client, but some details should always be included. These are the patient information such as their name and birthdate, your signature, the date of the session, and the reason for their referral to you. Within the ADIME sections, it is up to your clinical judgment to determine what is important. Commonly, you will see anthropometric measurements such as height and weight included, as well as goals for your patient, and your strategy for monitoring their progress.

Can ADIME notes be used for diabetes or malnutrition?

Yes, ADIME notes can be used for diabetes and malnutrition related issues. ADIME notes can be used for any diet or nutritional health related assessments, plans, or evaluations.

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