Thessaly Test

The Thessaly Test: Assess meniscal stability in the knee. Reliable, non-invasive evaluation tool for diagnosing meniscal injuries.

By Bernard Ramirez on Apr 08, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Thessaly Test?

The is a physical examination procedure used to determine whether there is a meniscus injury in the knee joint. It is a clinical test that healthcare providers may carry out, including orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and sports medicine doctors.

Before performing more intrusive diagnostic procedures like an MRI, the Thessaly test is frequently used as an early screening technique. It may be done in a clinic or office environment and is a simple, non-invasive test.

The test involves the patient standing on one leg and slowly rotating their body while bending the knee joint to about 20 to 30 degrees. The test is then repeated with the other leg.

A meniscal injury may be indicated if the patient feels pain or a clicking sound while undergoing the exam. It is crucial to remember that a positive Thessaly test does not always show meniscus injury and further testing is often required to diagnose.

The Thessaly test has both diagnostic and therapeutic applications for individuals who have meniscal injuries. The test helps identify specific movements that exacerbate the patient's symptoms, which can subsequently be avoided or changed to lessen pain and enhance function.

It is crucial to remember that while the Thessaly test help diagnoses meniscal injuries, it is not a conclusive diagnostic technique. Further imaging tests or arthroscopic inspection may be required to confirm the diagnosis and assess the injury's severity.

Printable Thessaly Test

Download this Thessaly Test to assess meniscal stability in the knee.

How does this Thessaly Test Knee work?

The Thessaly Test for the knee is a clinical examination used to assess the integrity and stability of the knee joint. Here are the steps involved in performing the Thessaly Test:

  1. Patient Positioning: The patient stands barefoot with feet shoulder-width apart and hands resting on a nearby support for balance.
  2. Initial Knee Flexion: The examiner instructs the patient to flex their knee to approximately 20-30 degrees.
  3. Test Execution: The examiner stands behind the patient and holds their hands for stability. The patient is asked to rotate their body towards the tested knee, keeping the foot planted on the ground.
  4. Medial Rotation Test: With the patient in this position, the examiner applies a rotational force to the knee by placing one hand on the patient's distal tibia and the other on their proximal tibia. The examiner then rotates the knee internally (medial rotation) while keeping the foot fixed on the ground.
  5. Lateral Rotation Test: After completing the medial rotation test, the examiner performs the same rotational force in the opposite direction, externally rotating (lateral rotation) the knee while keeping the foot planted.
  6. Observation of Symptoms: During both rotational movements, the examiner pays close attention to any pain, discomfort, or clicking sounds reported by the patient. The presence of pain or joint line discomfort may indicate meniscus pathology.
  7. Repeat Testing: The Thessaly Test is repeated for each knee if both knees are being assessed.
  8. Interpretation: Based on the presence or absence of pain or joint line discomfort reported by the patient during the test, the examiner can assess the integrity of the knee joint and potential meniscal involvement.

It's important to note that the Thessaly Test is a clinical examination and should be performed by trained healthcare professionals experienced in orthopedic assessments. It is typically used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools, such as imaging studies, to aid in accurately diagnosing and managing knee injuries and conditions.


The Thessaly Test is primarily a clinical assessment procedure healthcare professionals use to evaluate the stability and integrity of the meniscus in the knee joint. Thus, it doesn’t have a defined scoring system, however, physicians can use a subjective grading method based on the patient's reactions and observable symptoms. If a scoring system is used, it is often employed by the researcher or physician conducting the examination.

For instance, a simple scoring method would give each of the test's symptoms a numerical value. A scale (e.g., 0-10) can be used to assess the patient's stated level of pain or discomfort; a greater score denotes severe pain. Similar to binary values (e.g., 0 for absent, 1 for the present), the presence or absence of other symptoms like clicking or locking can be noted.

The total severity or likelihood of meniscal damage can be determined by adding or comparing these scores. However, it’s crucial to remember that the Thessaly Test may be scored using a different method depending on the healthcare practitioner, research, or organization administering it.

Thessaly example (sample)

The sample below aims to provide healthcare professionals with a detailed resource for performing and interpreting the Thessaly Test, a valuable clinical examination technique for assessing meniscal stability and integrity in the knee joint.

In this PDF, you will find clear instructions and visual aids, ensuring the accurate execution of the Thessaly Test. We encourage medical practitioners to use this resource to deepen their knowledge and competence in applying the Thessaly Test as an effective orthopedic assessment tool.

Download this Thessaly Test Example (Sample) here:

Thessaly example (sample)

When to use these Thessaly assessments?

Physicians use a clinical examination technique called the Thessaly assessment to test the stability and integrity of the meniscus in the knee joint. When there is a possibility of meniscal injury, this information is especially helpful. Thessaly assessment may be applicable in the following circumstances:

Suspected Meniscal Tears

The Thessaly Assessment may help confirm or rule out meniscal tears in patients who report knee pain, swelling, or mechanical symptoms like clicking or locking. It helps identify the precise motions that cause discomfort or reenact symptoms related to meniscal injury.

Pre-operative Evaluation

The Thessaly Test can give important information regarding the state of the meniscus before surgical surgery. It aids orthopedic surgeons in determining the severity of the meniscal injury and the best surgical strategy, such as repair partial/total meniscectomy.

Rehabilitation Monitoring

The Thessaly Test can be used to track the development of rehabilitation following meniscal damage or surgical intervention. It allows medical professionals to analyze the integrity of the repaired meniscus, evaluate the success of rehabilitation, and make informed decisions regarding the patient's recovery timetable.

Differential Diagnosis

Meniscal injuries can be distinguished from other knee disorders that may present with identical symptoms using the Thessaly Test. Reproducing specific symptoms associated with meniscal pathology aids in distinguishing between meniscal tears, ligamentous injuries, osteoarthritis, or patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Research and Clinical Studies

The Thessaly assessment is widely used in research and clinical studies on knee joint injury. It provides standardized criteria for evaluating meniscal stability and can contribute to understanding meniscal injuries, treatment outcomes, and long-term prognosis.

Benefits of these free Thessaly’s Tests

The availability of free Thessaly's Test resources, such as templates or guides, can offer several benefits to healthcare professionals and patients. Here are its key advantages:

Standardized Assessment

Using the free Thessaly's Test template ensures a uniform method of assessing meniscal stability. It gives clear instructions on administering the test, lowering variability, and improving the precision of decisions regarding diagnosis and therapy.

Time and Cost Savings

Practitioners no longer need to design assessment items from scratch because they can access a free Thessaly's Test template. This saves time and resources, which may be used for patient care, research, or other crucial duties.

Enhanced Diagnostic Accuracy

The template acts as a comprehensive reference, instructing medical practitioners on effectively administering the Thessaly's Test. It aids in accurately analyzing the patient's signs and symptoms, separating meniscal injuries from other knee diseases, and eventually enhancing diagnostic precision.

Improved Patient Outcomes

Healthcare providers can make better choices concerning treatment regimens, referrals, or surgical procedures using a systematic and evidence-based strategy. Reduced discomfort, faster functional recovery, and improved long-term knee joint health can all result in better patient outcomes.

Educational Resource

For future healthcare professionals, such as residents, fellows, or physical therapy students, free Thessaly's Test templates could serve as beneficial teaching resources. Studying and practicing the evaluation approach gives them a systematic framework, which encourages skill growth and proficiency in healthcare.

Why use this Thessaly app?

The Thessaly app is a comprehensive tool designed to aid healthcare professionals in conducting the Thessaly Test, which assesses the stability and integrity of the meniscus in the knee joint. Carepatron emerges as the best platform for several reasons when it comes to utilizing the Thessaly app.

User-Friendly Interface

Carepatron offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring easy navigation and seamless integration of the Thessaly app into healthcare professionals' workflow.

Standardized and Evidence-Based Approach

Carepatron guarantees adherence to established, scientifically supported procedures for administering the Thessaly Test. This encourages uniformity in evaluations, makes it possible to compare outcomes accurately, and makes it easier for healthcare professionals to work together.

Secure Data Management

Data security and privacy are top priorities at Carepatron. The platform uses strong security controls to safeguard patient data and ensure compliance with the relevant privacy regulations. 

Comprehensive Documentation

The Thessaly Test is covered in great detail in the resources and documents provided by Carepatron. This covers in-depth exam administration guidelines, appropriate procedures, and results interpretation.

Integration with Patient Management

Carepatron's platform is comprehensive and extends beyond the Thessaly app. It effortlessly interacts with patient management tools, enabling healthcare practitioners to record and maintain patient data, monitor patient progress, and base treatment decisions on the findings of the Thessaly Test and other pertinent data.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

Carepatron encourages communication and information exchange between medical specialists. The platform makes it simple to communicate, share knowledge, and engage in group conversations about the Thessaly Test and other facets of patient care.

Continuous Updates and Support

Carepatron is committed to client service and ongoing improvement. The platform often updates the Thessaly app with the most recent evidence-based recommendations to give healthcare professionals access to the most recent information.

Physical Therapy Software
Who created Thessaly Test?
Who created Thessaly Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who created Thessaly Test?

The Thessaly Test is a cutting-edge clinical test used to identify meniscal injuries in the knee, and it was initially introduced in 2005 by Karachalios et al.

How to use Thessaly’s Test?

To use Thessaly's Test, the patient stands on one leg with the other leg bent. The clinician rotates the bent leg internally and externally while assessing for any pain, discomfort, or clicking sensations in the knee joint.

How to score Thessaly Test?

The Thessaly Test does not have a standardized scoring system, but subjective scoring can be used to evaluate the severity and frequency of symptoms reported by the patient, such as using a pain scale or noting the presence/absence of clicking or locking sensations.

What are the benefits of the Thessaly Test?

The advantages of the Thessaly Test include its diagnostic aid in assessing meniscal stability, its non-invasive nature, cost-effectiveness, assistance in treatment planning and rehabilitation monitoring, and its usefulness as a research tool for advancing knowledge in meniscal pathology.

What does Thessaly test for?

The Thessaly's Test is primarily used to assess for meniscal injuries and related knee pathologies by evaluating the stability and integrity of the meniscus in the knee joint.

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